Monday, December 30, 2019

The Issue Of National Supremacy - 1258 Words

The issue of National Supremacy is one that is addressed through several cases decided by the Marshall Court. National Supremacy refers to the idea that when a conflict arises between a state law and a federal law, the federal law will take precedence. It comes from the Supremacy Clause in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. The clause makes the U.S. Constitution, its treaties, and its federal laws the highest laws in the country. McCullough v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) are two of the most important cases concerning National Supremacy that came to the Supreme Court during John Marshall s time as chief justice. While McCullough deals with the right of the federal government to create its own bank, Gibbons deals with the right of the federal government to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. Gibbons v. Ogden centers on the question of the meaning of the word commerce. It concerns whether a state government can make an exclusive contrac t with an individual for a steamboat line that runs between New York and New Jersey on its waterways. An issue arises when New Jersey wants to make a contract with someone going back and forth from New York to New Jersey. The issue the Supreme Court needed to decide was who help the power to regulate bodies of water, or more specifically, who could regulate navigation. The Court determined the definition of commerce was intercourse. This mean that even if a body of water was locatedShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of National Supremacy985 Words   |  4 Pages The issue of national supremacy is one that is addressed through several cases decided by the Marshall Court. McCullough v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) are two of the most important cases concerning national supremacy that came to the Supreme Court during John Marshall s time as chief justice. While McCullough deals with the right of the federal government to create its own bank, Gibbons deals with the right of the federal government to regulate interstate and foreign commerceRead MoreThe Issue Of Supremacy Between The Eu And The National Law1519 Words   |  7 PagesPART B One of the fundamental objectives of the EU was to ensure that the law is interpreted in a consistent manner within the national courts of the Member States, expectedly this has caused complications on the issue of supremacy between the EU and the national law, the Member States presumed that they were allowed to exercise national sovereignty internally. Fundamentally, the Treaties are binding on all other Member States. 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Jillson mentions â€Å"The founders knewRead MoreThe Constitutional Basis Of Federalism1017 Words   |  5 Pagesstate and national governments Although they favored stronger national government, they still made the states have an important role Constitution guaranteed states equal representation in the Senate Made states responsible for both state and national elections Guaranteed that Congress couldn t forbid the creation of new states by dividing old ones unless by the consent of the state governments Created obligations of national government to protect states against violence and invasion Supremacy clause:Read MoreThroughout history, the states and the national government have dynamic and constantly changing800 Words   |  4 Pagesthe states and the national government have dynamic and constantly changing powers in the Constitution. The switch from dual federalism in which the national government and the states have their own distinct powers and responsibilities to cooperative federalism in which the national government and the states share power and responsibilities amongst each other, have taken play during the Great Depressions in the United States. The Constitution defines the roles that the national government and theRead MoreFederal Power Vs. Federal Government1206 Words   |  5 Pagespowers granted to the states per the Constitution, and concurrent powers that are shared by State and Federal Governments (Dautrich Yalof, 2013). American history includes five major eras in relation to federalism: state-centered federalism, national supremacy period, dual fed eralism, cooperative federalism, and finally the present day â€Å"new federalism† era (Dautrich Yalof, 2013). State-centered Federalism (1789-1819) During the State-centered period of federalism the States held primary power. The

Sunday, December 22, 2019

When Affirmative Action Was White By Ira Katznelson

Sabrina Karaba Professor Null History 21 December 4, 2015 When Affirmative Action was White Book Review When Affirmative Action was White written by Ira Katznelson he addresses how throughout history whites and blacks had a extreme gap between them. He demonstrates conclusively that the gap of wealth between black and white americans result not simply from slavery but by benefits for white while excluding blacks over time. The book starts out addressing the problem with the New deal and Great Depression. Black Americans suffered the most because they were mostly in agriculture and would be hit the hardest. Black urban unemployment reached well over 50 percent, more than twice the rate of whites. In my own opinion that wasn’t a coincidence. In southern cities, white workers rallied around such slogan â€Å"back to the cotton fields city jobs are for white folks. The most violent times took place on southern railroads, as unionized white workers intimidated, attacked, and murdered black firemen in order to take their jobs. Throughout African Americans lost their jobs in various parts of the South. Ku Klux Klan practices were being resumed and it became more and more dangerous for Blacks to live daily lives. In the North and South, black women were forced into the Depression era slave market, where even working-class white women employed black women at starvation wages, as little as $5 per week for full-time laborers in northern cities. A full 65 percent of AfricanShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Affirmative Action Such a Divisive Issue?2126 Words   |  9 PagesAFFIRMATIVE ACTION: WHY IS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SUCH A DIVISIVE ISSUE? Affirmative Action: Why is Affirmative Action Such a Divisive Issue? Introduction â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it’s creed: â€Å" We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King stated this in his famous â€Å"I have a Dream† speech in Washington, D.C. in 1963. Is affirmative action still necessary in UnitedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Great White Way By Debra J. Dickerson1153 Words   |  5 PagesThe article â€Å"The Great White Way† by Debra J. Dickerson attempts to show her readers that â€Å"Race is an arbitrary system for establishing hierarchy and privilege† (68) in America. In her article, Dickerson questions how â€Å"whiteness† leads America in our culture and society and how all the other races are defined in America. She also explains how history has divided whites from non-whites in America. The intended audience that Dickerson’s essay gravitated towards are political or liberal A mericans. InRead MoreWhiteness and Citizenship971 Words   |  4 PagesCaptain Ahab’s eulogy of whiteness shows that the word â€Å"white† implies more than a chromatic description. â€Å"White† is an untenable perfection that has haunted the American psyche since colonial times. The idea of â€Å"white spiritual superiority† can only be enforce by a terrorist politico-legal system, based on brutalizing the non-whites and creating a national fantasy. A national fantasy defined by Lauren Berlant as the means â€Å"to designate how national culture becomes local through the images, narrativesRead MoreConfronting The Veil2403 Words   |  10 PagesEconomics control Racism; the start of everything was from the love of money. The enslavement of Africans was the base of which America was built upon, and without African Americans, America might have just been nothing today. This is the concept that I will be evaluating in this book review. I intend to apply t he knowledge I comprehended from the book in order to properly evaluate the main points that I will be expanding on. This book overall was very eye opening and Educating. I found out not onlyRead MoreWhiteness as a Field of Study2712 Words   |  11 PagesCaptain Ahab’s eulogy of whiteness shows that the word â€Å"white† implies more than a chromatic description. â€Å"White† is an untenable perfection that has haunted the American psyche since colonial times. The idea of â€Å"white spiritual superiority† can only be enforced by a terrorist politico-legal system, based on brutalizing the non-whites and creating a national fantasy. A national fantasy defined by Lauren Berlant as the means â€Å"to designate how national culture becomes local through the images, narratives

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Strategic Management Case Study Module 7 Free Essays

Strategic Management Module 7 Case Study Daryl L. Young Thomas Edison State College Strategic Management Module 7 Case Study Housing Bubble and Its Burst Case Study Question 1: Explain the cause of the housing bubble and its burst in the mid-2000s. To what extent is this problem the result of ethical failure? Housing Bubble No single cause can fully explain the crisis but, in my opinion, the two major bases were legislation that promoted homeownership and subprime mortgages. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management Case Study Module 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now To fully understand the environment that spawned the housing bubble, we’ll have to travel back to the 1930s, when the country was in the midst of the Great Depression. During this time frame, homeownership represented only about 40 percent of the U. S. households (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, Strickland, 2012, p. c-423). Following severe mortgage market disruptions, widespread foreclosures, and sinking homeownership rates, the government created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Fannie Mae, the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), and several decades later Freddie Mac to help promote secure and sustainable homeownership for future generation of Americans (Reforming America’s Housing Finance Market, A Report to Congress, 2011, P. 5). A Subprime Mortgage is a type of mortgage that is normally made out to borrowers with lower credit ratings; a conventional mortgage is not offered because the lender views the borrower as having a larger-than-average risk of defaulting on the loan; lending institutions often charge interest on subprime mortgages at a rate that is higher in order to compensate themselves for carrying more risk, as defined by Investopedia. com, 2013. In 1994, subprime mortgages represented approximately 6 percent of total mortgage loans originated but by 2005 the percentage grew to 37. (Thomson et al. , 2012). Private firms like Countrywide, and others, issued more than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 (Swift, 2011). Fast-forward to the 2000s and the effects of federal legislation over 60 years increased homeownership to nearly 70 percent (Thomson et al. , 2012) coupled with an explosion of subprime mortgages, and appreciation of homes values resulted in the housing bubble. Housing Bubble B urst As there are several factors that created the bubble, there are just as many that were responsible for its burst. The most significant factors were the repeal of a major component of the Glass-Steagall Act and a weakened housing market. First, lets look at the Glass-Steagall Act. One of the components in the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 separated investment (brokerage) and commercial banking activities (investopedia. com, 2009). The clause stipulated that banks would be allowed to take deposits and make loans, brokers would be allowed to underwrite and sell securities, but no firm would be allowed to do both due to the conflicts of interest and risks to insured deposits (Rickards, 2012). In 1999, President Bill Clinton and Republicans led by Sen. Phil Gramm repealed part of the Glass-Steagall Act, removing barriers that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination, at the behest of big banks (Rickards, 2012). Secondly, the U. S. economy began to weaken, with declining demand for housing, which caused home prices to plummet and appreciation in home prices came to an end, and in most cases reversing (Thompson et al. , 2012). Homeowners, investors, and financial institutions did not have enough capital supporting their investments to absorb the resulting losses (Reforming America’s Housing Finance Market, A Report to Congress, 2011, P. ). Homeowners were faced with foreclosure when they lost income during the economy slowdown or seen their payment on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) rise to a point of unaffordability (Thompson et al. , 2012). In 2008, credit markets froze. Our nation’s financial system – which had outgrown and outmaneuvered a regulatory framework largely designed in the 1930 s – was driven to the brink of collapse. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, families lost their homes, and small businesses shut down (Reforming America’s Housing Finance Market, A Report to Congress, 2011, P. 5). Countrywides’ Role Case Study Question 2: Evaluate Countrywide’s role in the subprime mortgage debacle. Was the company’s conduct unethical or illegal? Countrywide’s Role From 2005 to 2007, Countrywide was the leading subprime lender in the country issuing $97. 2 billion in subprime mortgages (Bloomberg Business Week, 2009) but only led in market share by 2 percent. The bottom 16 subprime mortgage-issuing firms accounted for $363. 5 billion in mortgages (reference chart 1). Countrywide was responsible for 10 percent of a $1 trillion problem. Conduct Unethical or Illegal Countrywide practices were illegal. Countrywide was charged with predatory lending practices (Thompson et al. , 2012) and later reached a multi-state settlement for $8. 68 billion (Huffman, 2008). â€Å" Countrywide’s lending practices turned the American dream into a nightmare fore tens of thousands of families by putting them into loans they couldn’t understand and ultimately couldn’t afford,† said Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. , a co-leader of the negotiations for the states (Huffman, 2008). Countrywide settlement became the largest predatory lending settlement in history, dwarfing the nationwide $484 million settlement (Huffman, 2008). Case Study Question 3: Using this case as an example, who benefits and who gets hurt when a company engages in unethical or socially irresponsible behavior? In the long-term, no one benefits from this behavior. In this case study, the companies, shareholders, consumers, and global economy all suffered from the irresponsible behavior of many in the financial sector. Between June 2007 and November 2008, Americans lost more than a quarter of their net worth (Wikipedia. org, 2013). Total retirement assets dropped by 22 percent, from $10. 3 trillion in 2006 to $8 trillion in mid-2008 (Wikipedia. org, 2013). As with most unethical or irresponsible corporate behavior there are no long-term winners. References Denning, S. (2001). Lest We Forget: Why We Had a Financial Crisis. Forbes. Retrieve from: http://www. forbes. com/sites/stevedenning/2011/11/22/5086/ Huffman, M. (2008). Countrywide Settles Predatory Lending Charges for $8. 68 Billion. Consumer Affairs. Retrieved from: http://www. consumeraffairs. com/news04/2008/10/ countrywide_settlement. html Investopedia. (2013). Definition of Housing Bubble. Retrieved from: http://www. investopedia. com/terms/h/housing_bubble. asp#axzz2NRrhirhT Rickards, J. (2012). Repeal of Glass-Steagall Caused the Financial Crisis. Economic Intelligence. Retrieved from: http://www. usnews. com/opinion/blogs/economic- intelligence/2012/08/27/repeal-of-glass-steagall-caused-the-financial-crisis The Department of the Treasury. (2011). Reforming America’s Housing Finance Markets, A Report to Congress. Retrieved from: http://www. treasury. gov/initiatives/Documents/ Reforming%20America’s%20Housing%20Finance%20Market. pdf Thompson, A. , Peteraf, M. , Gamble, J. , Strickland III, A. (2012). Crafting Executing Strategy, The Quest for Competitive Advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. How to cite Strategic Management Case Study Module 7, Free Case study samples

Friday, December 6, 2019

How does Dickens present education in the novel Hard Times Essay Example For Students

How does Dickens present education in the novel Hard Times? Essay In the novel, Dickens presents education in a very old fashioned way. Thomas Gradgrind is obsessed with teaching just facts and that people must not use their imagination. He has a school run by Mr MChoakumchild. Mr. Gradgrind, whose voice is dictatorial, opens the novel by stating Now, what I want is facts at his school in Coketown. He is a man of facts and calculations. He wants his pupils to come out of school correct, having vast knowledge of facts and to turn into a Hand, or a worker. His education is based clearly around facts, no imagination or wondering, just facts: Now, what I want is facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. He believes that anything but facts will not be of any use to children and should be removed from their brains, like deleting a file off a computer. Now, what I want is facts His education is delivered in a narrow limited manor. It is taught by dictation: He seemed a kind of cannon loaded to the muzzle with facts, and prepared to blow them clean out of the regions of childhood at one discharge. This shows how Mr. Gradgrind bluntly talks at the children. The only interaction between him and the class is a fired question and a limited answer. Another method of his teaching is humiliation; this is demonstrated by the passage, Girl number twenty Who is that girl? Sissy Jupe, sir. replied Sissy. He then goes on to tell Sissy that she must be called Cecilia, Sissy is not a name, said Mr Gradgrind dont call your self Cecilia Its farther as calls me Sissy, sir Then he has no buisiness to do it, Under Mr Gradgrinds education, Louisa seems to have lost her way. She still craves for creativity but is starved of it therefore she craves it even more. However, she is not totally defeated, she shows signs of defiance, and she will not give up, Struggling through the dissatisfaction of her face, there was a light with nothing to rest upon, a fire with nothing to burn, a starved imagination keeping life within its self somehow which brightened its expression This shows that although Louisas imagination has been starved she still looks for fulfillment. Louisa is bored with life because of the dull facts that are constantly hammered into her head. All it made me think, after all, how short my life would be, and how little I could hope to do in it. She feels like she is locked in the arms of her life, caged in. In the chapter Never Wonder she is told, Louisa, never wonder! Louisa feels suppressed as she is told she cannot imagine, I have such unmanagable thoughts returned his sister, they will wonder. When Sissy Jupe comes to live with Louisa and Tom, Louisa was fascinated to know about Sissys fuller life and asks her question after question of every kind as her imagination is starved, Tell me more about him Why was he angry at the dog Louisa demanded Finish by telling me how youre father left you, Sissy. Now that I have asked you so much, tell me the end, Thomas and Louisa feel like they are united in isolation, they discuss their troubles with each other and stand by each other. Thomas, however, appears more beaten down and negative. When Mr. Gradgrind found both of his children watching a circus, Thomas gave in more easily. Thomas did not look at him but gave himself up to be taken home like a machine, .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .postImageUrl , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:hover , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:visited , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:active { border:0!important; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:active , .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075 .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6c0c831f0c1e5d6c2be86d60f710d075:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Civil Rights Movement in Education EssayThis showed Thomas feeling hopeless with the situation. There was no questioning of his fathers power. Thomas has become resentful and angry because his imaginative needs have not been met, I wish I could collect all the facts we hear about, put a thousand barrels of gunpowder under them, and blow them up alogether This passage shows Thomas frustration but it also shows a glimmer of hope as Thomas uses his imagination in describing building the bonfire to burn the facts.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Euthanasia Humane or insane Essay Example

Euthanasia Humane or insane? Essay In ward seven of the Royal Hospital in Belfast, a woman called Betsy, is lying ill on an impersonal mass produced hospital bed. She is terminally ill. Shes dying of bowel cancer. Her limited future is bleak. Everyday there is a new ache a new pain. As time goes on her senses will gradually fail one by one. Her memory will be the first to go. Soon she will not be able to recognise even her closest family. Her visitors will be just like any other doctor or nurse who calls on her occasionally. Before things got so bad, Betsy was an outgoing lady who was eighty seven years young, who had lived her life to the full before this disease gripped her life. She was married for 60 years, to her loving and caring husband Brian. They had 4 children together James, John, Colin and Stephanie. Each child grew up in a warm caring environment that Betsy and Brian created for them, and they had provided an excellent example for them on how to live their own lives. Betsy had many friends and her hobbies included golf, bingo and knitting. In the last eight months unfortunately Betsys health has deteriorated. Her family have watched in anguish as they slowly see their mothers quality of life steadily decline in front of their own eyes, powerless to stop it. Since this cancer has gripped her life Betsy has been bed ridden, during that time Betsy could see what the effect of her condition was having on her family, they were emotionally and physically drained. Through weeks of consideration and debate Betsy had decided that she wished to die with grace and dignity and own her own terms. First she spoke to Brian about the idea, although he didnt want her to die he could see it was best all round. Her and Brian announced the news to their family, initially shocked and distraught they pleaded with her to changed her mind but with Betsys usual charismatic charm she convinced them that it was in her and her families best interest. We will write a custom essay sample on Euthanasia Humane or insane? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Euthanasia Humane or insane? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Euthanasia Humane or insane? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Her husband with a tear in his eye bravely spoke to the hospital authorities but nothing can or will be done as it is against the law. Euthanasia or mercy killing as it is also known is being considered by millions of people in Betsys situation today. Euthanasia is currently illegal in the UK but should it be? After all isnt humane to let someone die? Voluntary euthanasia is the assisted suicide of someone who wishes that there life would end. It is against the law in the UK, and those people who are arrested and charged could face up to fourteen years in Prison. Passive euthanasia is the taking or withholding of treatment even if the person will die. However doctors cannot directly help the person die e.g. lethal injection. The term Euthanasia comes from the Greek word for easy death. It is the one of the most public policy issues being debated about today. Formally called mercy killing, euthanasia is the act of purposely making or helping someone die, instead of allowing nature to take its course. Basically euthanasia means killing in the name of compassion. Euthanasia, at the moment is illegal throughout the world apart from in the State of Oregon in the USA and Belgium, where there is a law specifically allowing doctors to prescribe lethal drugs for the purpose of euthanasia. In the Belgium it is practised widely, but it is essential that a clergyman is present. I believe that everyone has the right to choose how they live and die. Everyone deserves respect, freedom and the power to control their own destiny. Not everybody will have an easy death. Some terminal pain cannot be controlled, even with the best of care and the strongest of drugs. Other distressing symptoms, which come with diseases, such as sickness, no mobility, incontinence, breathlessness and fever cannot always be relieved. Pain is not always the issue quality of life is too. Most people want to die with dignity, but some people may spend the last moments of their life, in a way, which to them, is undignified. Having the right to control over their own life and death helps people keep human dignity in the face of their suffering. People should not be left lingering in pain. They should not have to suffer when death is inevitable. People do have the right to commit suicide, although it is a tragic and individual act. However euthanasia is not suicide. It is not a private act, you have the support of family and friends. Euthanasia is about letting a person assist anothers death to save them from long painful deaths. Many people argue, however, that a person who is terminally ill may make a miraculous recovery it has happened in the past. Euthanasia should be only needed for those whose pain is not relived with any form of care or whose bodily disintegration is beyond bearing. For those who are suffering in agony a pro-longed life is unthinkable for people with a condition which, leaves the brain alert but eventually shuts down all bodily functions and skills of communicating. How can people be expected to live like this? For people like this I believe that their close family should have the choice and the trust to let them live a prolonged life or to end their life and let them die with dignity. If people could make the decision themselves then I believe that the option of euthanasia should be open to them. Some people might also want euthanasia because the drugs they require to ease the pain are very expensive and are not available on the NHS, so rather than see their assets diminish, they would rather slip away. For others the problems might lie much deeper, years of suffering have left them down and out, they are feeling depressed and see euthanasia as there only option but it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. However euthanasia has its opposition, people believe that no one has the right to play God. Christians believe that we are made in the image of God and therefore human life is Gods gift to us and is uniquely precious we are not the owners of life, but its minders, we belong to God because he made us. Many religions follow this principle, so do not believe in suicide and assisted dying. People who do not agree with voluntary euthanasia often refer to the 1967 Abortion Act. They argue that the numbers of abortions, which now take place every year shows that the safeguards set out in the Abortion act, have been ignored. They argue that this example should be taken as a warning of what could happen if helping people who are terminally ill to die is made legal. Another argument that is put forward against euthanasia is that it could make young and old people alike to become used to the idea of killing someone, they are afraid that it could desensitise they younger generation and make th em believe that murder is an ordinary day to day thing. They believe this would remove the principle that man should not kill that is drummed into us today. However the idea that we should not kill is somewhat contradictory, not that Im one to challenge an age old teaching or God himself but killing in a war or self defence is justified and accepted by most religions and by most if not all democratic societies. Although I do believe that euthanasia should be legalised, I can see the point that is being made by those who dont approve of it, however if a law is made which allows a person to help someone die, there would be safeguards in place to make sure that the law wouldnt be abused. In the UK today there is no law that deals with euthanasia. Usually those people who are up for trial for helping someone to die face the charge of murder or under the law on suicide, depending on the circumstances. Those who are convicted of helping another person to die could face up to life in prison (for murder), or fourteen years (assisting a suicide). This is the law but in reality the system operates a little differently. Usually those people who are convicted of murder or assisting a suicide usually are given light sentences which often dont involve prison sentences. I believe that this is because the courts are sympathetic and sometimes approve to the defendants cause and see the position they were put in often taken their side. The public opinion of the law on euthanasia or the lack there of, is overwhelmingly in favour of legalising voluntary euthanasia. In 1997, out of nearly three thousand people who took part in a sun newspaper telephone opinion poll, an amazing 97% sai d terminally ill people should have the right to die with dignity. There have been numerous surveys which have been conducted through the years, in 1993 for example a poll showed that sex, age, religion or economic class made little difference to peoples views on the subject and surprisingly the majority from ALL religions were in favour of voluntary euthanasia. It is not just the public who can have a say in this matter, the very people who may have to carry out any of these lethal injections must be given a say. In 1996 the results of a survey of over seven hundred and fifty GPs and hospital doctors showed that doctors were divided over legalising voluntary euthanasia, 46% of doctors supported a change in the law to allow them to carry out the request of a terminally ill patient for voluntary euthanasia. This survey shows that doctors opinions are almost split 50/50 over the matter. In fact twenty two doctors from the survey actually confessed to having broken the law and helped someone die. Euthanasia may be illegal but it definitely hits a nerve within public. Someone who decides to choose to go down the euthanasia path should realise that they are not like a goldfish, when one dies you cant go down to the pet store and buy another one, that person will have been loved, cared for and admired by other people. What Im trying to say that euthanasia is a permanent process it is irreversible and whats to say that within one to two years there wouldnt be a medical break through in the particular area they are suffering from or that there might be a new drug, which might ease the pain and make daily life worth living? Its not impossible and with highly sophisticated technologies, advances are being made everyday in the medical field. Or low and behold the numerous prayers that are said could be headed and the disease goes away. These arguments however do not convince everyone, those who are sitting on their beds waiting for these miracles and medical breakthroughs see no light at the end of the tunnel, they have given up long ago when they woke u p with hope everyday but to no avail. Pain is not the only issue for these unfortunate souls, what an individual thinks of their quality of life is often far more important, many people do not want to spend the last days of their life in away which, to them is undignified. Annie Lindsell, a campaigner for legalising assisted dying, said before she died of Motor Neurone Disease in 1997, The hospice movement consistently maintains that in most cases it manages the pain of terminally ill patients. What they cannot control, however is the loss of personal dignity and that is very difficult criterion that no patient can comment on. In the medical world, there are divisions on euthanasia, some are totally for, yet others are totally against the idea. In November 1997, two hundred GPs responded to a survey carried out by Pulse magazine. The survey revealed that 47% of GPs had given treatment to ease a patients death 49% said that they had been in a position where they were easing a patients death. Whereas 49% said that they had been in a position where they felt that easing a patients death, other than with the intention of relieving symptoms only was the right thing to do. This as you can see is a positive result, but to those opposed to any change in the law regarding euthanasia it might be argued that this is below half the number surveyed which means that the majority of doctors would not wish to help someone who was ill. In spite of overwhelming religious opposition and the fact that it is against the law, euthanasia is carried out today in the U.K. A report published in 1994 in the British Medical journal showed that 32% of doctors survey had agreed to a patients request to be given treatment to help them die quicker. It is also worth noting that a larger portion 46% said they would consider giving treatment to help someone die more quickly if it were legal to do so. The idea that a doctor would help a patient to die is contradictory to their Hippocratic Oath, which states I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. But to counter this argument one might say that the doctors Hippocratic Oath is not entirely bullet proof as it also promises not to give a woman a pessary to produce abortion yet today abortions are carried out throughout the world. Some people who were lying critically ill on beds today, who did not ask someone help them di e and have been the better for it as medical advances have came along and they can live out their lives as best they can. In todays society men and woman alike have the power to choose whether they take control of their life and death or let the heavens decide. That is why euthanasia is just an option that is open to those who wish to pursue it. It is not suggested or enforced onto them in any way. Assisted dying should just be one of the options open at the end of life. With euthanasia, there is a swelling amount of doctors who would like it legalised. People may agree or disagree, but who can really know what they feel about the issue, until they are actually in that situation? At the moment, I believe that if I was faced with the fact that a terminally ill relative who was in a great deal of pain wanted to die, I would go along with what they wanted. I would not want to see them suffer, but this is only what I think now. I have never been in such a situation, and hope I never will, but if I was maybe I would hold a different view. Although, if a dog or cat is suffering, the vet is called upon and the animal is put to sleep. The owner is upset over the loss but they feel that they have done the right thing, by putting the pet out its misery. I do not think we can look at human life in the same way however, as humans are treated better than animals and have more respect. But what is better, letting someone suffer a prolonged and very painful life, or allowing him or her to die with dignity, in peace and without pain? In an article I read that a young girls grandmother had died of bowel cancer. She took three weeks to die- three full weeks of the most appalling agony. In fact she was crying out for most of that time for the doctors to end her torment. In the end she was screaming in pain, no medical cure or painkiller could be found to ease her pain. In the end is it too much to ask for the right for her to die peacefully? Why cant these hardworking, loving and harmless people have the right to choose to die? I say yes, I do not believe they should be humiliated in front of their families as a nurse empties their bedpan in full view of the entire ward. Dont you? This issue needs a lot of thought. Many people agree with voluntary euthanasia, many disagree but there is also a large amount of people undecided on the matter. Maybe in a couple of weeks radical steps with have been taken by the government to legalise euthanasia, at least then Betsys life will not have been in vein, but maybe by then it will have been too late, and her loving husband Brian might have had to take things into is his own hands. The time will come when the Government and medical services will have to open their eyes to euthanasia, and there will be a lot of debate on the subject. Until then the euthanasia debate will continue to linger, just like a terminal disease.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Night Owls vs. Morning Larks Essay Essays

Night Owls vs. Morning Larks Essay Essays Night Owls vs. Morning Larks Essay Paper Night Owls vs. Morning Larks Essay Paper â€Å"Who gets up early? Farmers. bakers. physicians. Who stays up tardily? Muggers. street girls. cat burglars. † ( 63 ) . Anne Fadiman describes a human’s position on being a forenoon individual. or as she refers to it â€Å"a forenoon lark† . verses a dark individual or â€Å"a dark owl† . So how would you sort yourself ; a forenoon lark. a dark bird of Minerva or are you a small of both? When reading the article. â€Å"Night Owl† by Anne Fadiman. I found that she provides her ain positions utilizing scientific research about dark people and forenoon people. the effects of being a dark individual has on her. and describes a contrast between a forenoon individual and a dark individual through the usage of literary devices. Our society stereotypes dark owls as people that are out to harm others. to be arch. and/or people who are lazy because they sleep the twenty-four hours off. Although being a forenoon lark has its benefits. being a dark bird of Minerva has its benefits every bit good. Fadiman’s observations on dark bird of Minervas are positive. particularly since she is awake when the bulk of the universe around her is fast asleep. The â€Å"night owl† regimen seems to complement Fadiman because it serves as a clip for her creativeness to flux and it seems to flux for many others every bit good. She claims â€Å"I am non to the full alive until the sundowns. † Her kiping during the daylight does non reflect on her ability to carry through her day-to-day undertakings expeditiously. I believe that when you begin your twenty-four hours when the people around you are fast asleep you see the universe in another visible radiation. Fadiman goes on to depict the alterations to switch work by stating. â€Å"it is easier to portion a given district when no everyone is out and approximately at one time. † ( 63 ) . which I can understand. Not everyone can efficaciously be working on the same agenda at the same time. since the terminal consequence would most probably be an escalated unemployment rate for that peculiar country. On the other manus being a forenoon individual you are able to harvest the benefits of waking up with the bulk of the population. Anne’s hubby. George. is â€Å"a house truster in prehending the twenty-four hours while it is still fresh† ( 63 ) . I believe this to be true every bit good. you can carry through so much more during the daylight. Daylight provides many wellness benefits for worlds such as Vitamin D. which is absorbed from the Sun and keeps us healthy. It besides gives us a clean slate every forenoon when we wake. Some struggles can and make originate when you are in a relationship affecting people with opposite sleep rhythms. Fadiman explains â€Å"when we turn off the visible radiation at 11:30-too late for him. excessively early for me-George falls immediately asleep. while I. mocked by the bird that sleeps above my caput. arrange and rearrange the pillows. seeking for the elusive cool sides. † ( 62 ) . Issues that are introduced for those people in relationships with different slumber and work forms can include attending at recreational and/or societal activities and general slumber wonts. Throughout Anne Fadiman’s piece. she makes good usage of literary devices. such as imagination and symbolism. to put the tone for her audience. She writes the piece as informational but still manages to mai ntain it friendly. Immediately in the first paragraph she writes about holding birds carved in on each side of the caput stations of her and her husband’s bed. â€Å"On George’s side there is a meadowlark. brown of back. yellow of chest. with a black thoracic V as trig and sporty as the cervix of a tennis sweater† ( 62 ) Fadiman describes the alone characteristics of the lark that sits above her hubbies resting caput. She paints a bright graphic image of the lark for her readers in which she refers to the lark throughout her piece. Further in the authorship she besides describes a journey she had taken with a friend in New Zealand. Fadiman writes a description of her position from inside her collapsible shelter. â€Å"†¦inside which a radiance candle lantern makes your boggy boots and moist wool socks look as if they were painted by Georges de La Tour. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 64 ) . The symbolism used in Night Owl is the construct of bird of Minerva and larks being used to depict a dark individual and a forenoon individual and is used throughout the full article. â€Å"Night Owl† was a well-written piece and introduced a subject that is non frequently discussed but affects about everyone. She captured readers. including myself. with her usage of colourful vivacious imagination and logical information that can be applied to her audience’s existent life state of affairss. We are society that positions dark as a menace and daytime as the premier clip to carry through undertakings. With articles such as â€Å"Night Owl† people may recognize the chances that await the dark. The alteration to switch work in my sentiment will merely go on to increase and better the preconceived impressions of dark bird of Minerva.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation - Essay Example The ideas identified here are further polished and developed in the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development and then the finalized solutions to cure the sufferings of the humanity are turned into Novartis product line. The objectives of the growth and welfare go hand in hand throughout these stages. The company’s goals and objectives are in line with its mission and all initial goals and objective contribute towards the final mission of the company. A more than 50.6 billion dollar sale in 2010 provide Novartis the solid financial grounds to support its research activities, fulfillment of commitments towards people, patients, communities, and environment. This not only contributes to the making of a corporate citizenship face of the company but shareholders also yield an increase of 5% in dividends. Novartis portfolio is widening rapidly and recent mergers and business purchases are a symbol of company’s confident march towards success. The fruit of this growth r eaching end to end and employees’ commitment towards the growth of the business marks this fact. (Report, 2010).Aforementioned short description of the company helps us to conclude our discussions with a sufficient insight into the scale of Novartis business and operations. This helps us to select the company for the SLP project and preparation of a detailed case. Moreover, the available sources of information can lead to the in-depth study of the company which is the most exciting part of any SLP project.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is main causes of obesity for teenagers in USA Annotated Bibliography

What is main causes of obesity for teenagers in USA - Annotated Bibliography Example Additionally, the resource is reliable and written by qualified authors who undertook intense research process to compile the facts and figures. Therefore, observing from these established facts, this reference is key to the course of the research paper. This publication identifies with the purpose of the research paper. Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a publication established from the Boy Scouts of America movement established under the inspiration of the Boy Scout Association. The BSA incorporates boys between ages fourteen to eighteen and institutes several programs for helping and supporting the society in their surroundings. This publication is key to the study into obesity among the teens as it is from teenagers’ organization. Notably, it facilitates a description of the various elements that are causative agents to obesity among the teenagers. The publication therefore features accordingly as a reliable information source for the paper. Additionally, the article reflects accordingly in the intent of the research paper, including discussing the essential points that directly affect the development of the dissertation. Thus, I use this reference from the establishments of the factual information in this research study. Paul Insel is a clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford university school of medicine. Turner and Ross are also established professionals in psychology and behavioral sciences. The American Diabetic Association is key in addressing the challenges influencing the health crisis resulting in obesity. In this publication â€Å"Discovering Nutrition†, they all bring their established professional finings regarding the subject of obesity. They facilitate studies involving health education and nutrition as they relate. The objectives of the publication relate accordingly to the purpose of the research proposal of understanding the causes of

Monday, November 18, 2019

There are limitations, but financial and management accounting perform Essay

There are limitations, but financial and management accounting perform a fundamental role in the measurement of performance wit - Essay Example In this context, the performance measurement has been characterized as an activity of key value for organizations in different industrial sectors. The specific issue is examined in this paper; emphasis is given on the role of the financial and management accounting in performance measurement, as a key part of strategic decision process in modern organizations. It is concluded that both financial and management accounting are quite important for the successful development of performance measurement schemes – even if, in certain cases, the involvement of financial and management accounting in performance measurement causes delays in the completion of the relevant processes – under the terms presented below. Because of the above problem, a series of recommendations has been included in this study aiming to support the improvement of performance measurement systems. 2. Performance measurement in organizations 2.1 Performance measurement – description, role The use of performance measurement in modern organizations has been related to the achievement of specific organizational targets. Most commonly, the performance measurement is used a firm’s managers in order to evaluate whether the organizational activities manage to achieve a particular level of performance – as set by the planners of these activities. In this way, it will be possible to estimate if these activities have paid back the investment made on them or not. In practice, the performance measurement – as one of the firm’s key strategic processes – can be quite complex. This fact is reflected in the theories developed in the particular field – referring to the content, the role and the phases of performance measurement in modern organizations. At a first level, certain differentiations can be identified in the criteria used by theorists when having to define the performance measurement; however, a close examination of their views would lead to the assumption that they all emphasize on the value of performance measurement as a tool for estimating the achievement of organizational goals – including the risks involved. In accordance with Hatry (2006) the performance measurement can be defined as the ‘regular measurement of the results (outcomes) and efficiency of services or programs’ (Hatry 2006, p3). On the other hand, Meyer (2003) notes that the term ‘performance measurement’ can be explained using two different definitions: the dictionary definition, which focuses on the past, i.e. on the performance of the organization up to the time point when its performance is measured and the economic definition, which refers rather to the future, emphasizing on ‘the measurement of the shareholder value into the firm’ (Meyer 2003, p20). It is further explained that in the context of the dictionary definition ‘performance is measured by operational measures or current financial res ults’ (Meyer 2003, p20); on the other hand, the economic definition is based on the measurement of performance ‘using share prices’ (Meyer 2003, p20). Another definition of performance measurement is mentioned in the study of Harbour (1997); in the above study reference is made to the performance measurement as a method for ‘measuring work accomplishments and output’ (Harbour 1997, p7). At the next level, Epstein et al. (2006) emphasize on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Competitive and marketing analysis for a Gym

Competitive and marketing analysis for a Gym Optimize gym will be a private business. The reason it will be a private business is because it has benefits. The benefits are that the gym will have limited liabilities and will be separate the business from the owners, which means that if the gym goes bankrupt, creditors cannot go after the owners personal assets. Another reason will be that the gym can have some shareholders which will increase funds. The gym should only have one owner to avoid dispute between multiple owners. Optimize gym will be located in Greenacre because there are no other gyms for both men and women. There will only be about 5 employees (Two inside the main gym area, and the other two to conduct boxing and circuit classes). Funds will be obtained from creditors such as a bank and will need an accountant to handle the funds. Purpose of plan The purpose of a business plan is to guide a business to achieve its goals and to prevent failure. It provides a design and sets targets for a business which enables it to evaluate its progress against identified reference points. A well devised business plan provides a business with clear direction and a path for the future, how the business could perform in the future and the priorities that are set for the business. A business plan outlines: A description of the business (Name, address, organisation and management) The goods and/or services the business provides The businesss goals A market analysis Customer needs and size of the market The industry in which the business operates Marketing/production/financial/employment relation strategies. The goals of Optimize gym include: Making a profit (Financial goal, short term) Expanding to a few gyms around NSW (Financial goal, long term) Satisfaction in work self achievement (Personal goal) Long term security Financially (Financial goal, long term) Sponsorship (Social goal) Successful business (Personal goal, long term) Increasing market share (Financial goal) Help people achieve their physical goals (Personal goal) Give men access to a gym since there are no gyms for both men and women in the are (Personal goal) Situation analysis SWOT analysis Strengths Skilled and qualified Workers Experienced managers Great location Good use of technology Great reputation (over 100 members) New and upated equipment Large area inside gym so that equipment isnt squashed 3 rooms (One used for boxing classes, one for circuit classes, and one for main gym area.) Weaknesses High costs for personal service (Personal training) Low amount of staff Average financial position Opportunities To expand A growing market means more people will participate Can attract couples because it is a gym for males and females. Threats Increased rent costs Competitors (fitness first) Competitor Analysis Fitness first Strengths Great reputation Qualified and experienced managers and workers Many workers Trained personal trainers Large amount of equipment Good finance Weaknesses High membership costs Gym could be filled with members at certain times Opportunities Expanding Buying out competitors Threats Competitors (Such as other big gyms World Gym) Market Analysis Customers (Target Market) / Market Research Optimize Gym is located in Greenacre where there is only one other gym. There are also local sporting teams which means that they would want to keep fit if they are going to pursue that sport. Optimize gym will focus mainly on: Men and Women who would like to get the body they always dream of at a low cost. Couples who like to train together. Teenagers The trend recently is for teenagers to go to the gym to keep fit and get good bodies for summer. Groups of friends People would rather go to the gym with friends because it will be less boring and will keep them coming back. Housewives due to them being at an age where it is hard for them to maintain their figure Market Segmentation There are four key business functions which are Operations, Marketing, Accounting and finance, and Employment relations. All of these interrelate, which means that they all rely on eachothers success to be successful. The term operations means the physical production of a good or the provision of a service. Since Optimize is a gym, it means that it is service based. There are many positive qualities for opening a gym which can include: Not being worried about being over stocked Not having to think of ways to innovate products No need to always have stock Being service based also has down sides which can include: If the business is not performing well, you cannot improve on anything other than the service unlike selling products, you can just innovate improve. Replacing broken equipment Marketing is the sector which aims to find out what consumers look for in a product/service and implement them. With Optimize gym, people come to the gym to achieve the bodies that they always dream of and marketing needs to be able to attract customers by creating a good atmosphere and giving them a great experience. Marketing needs to be able to research competitors to find out what is making them good and what is making them bad, also researching the prices of competitors to be able to compete with them. The marketing sector mainly relies on the accounting and finance sector to be able to provide the funds needed to advertise etc. Accounting finance is the sector which provides the financial information needed for decision making by the other sectors. No matter what type of business you are in, you need this sector to be able to keep track of what is being spent and what money you have. This sector is also important because it gives owners information about what is making money in the business and what is losing money which will help them improve on the bad parts of the business. Business use various tools to keep track of the money which include financial records, balance sheets, break-even analysis, budgets etc. Employment relations is the last sector of the four business functions. It is basically the relationship between the employer and the employees. If the relationship is good between them, then the employees will like their job which will motivate them to work hard and not slack off. Having good employment relations will help achieve the business goals by having qualified, trained and skilled employees who are right for the job. Objectives and strategies Objectives are merely goals, but are not like normal goals. They need to be S.M.A.R.T which means that they must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed. The objectives of Optimize gym relate to the four key business functions which are Operations, Marketing, Accounting Finance and Employment relations (As mentioned above) Objectives of operations for Optimize gym include: Increasing participation of members in circuit and boxing classes Increasing how much the fitness professionals help the members, that is improving the quality of service from employees. Some strategies to accomplish these objective can be: Offer occasional trial classes to show members how the classes are run and how beneficial they can be. Offer rewards for employees that you see actually approaching members and giving advice and help on nutrition and teaching about how exercises should be done. Training staff Objectives of the Marketing sector for Optimize gym include: An increase in members by 20% within 12 months Some strategies that can be implemented to achieve this objective include: Offering free trials of the gym Offering free circuit/boxing classes Group discounts on starting memberships Discounts for referring friends (friends must become members for the discount to apply) The objectives of the accounting finance sector for Optimize gym include: An increase in profit by 20% within 12 months Becoming insolvent Having liquidity Having a surplus Some strategies that can be implemented to achieve these goals include: Improving stock control Decreasing expenses Tighter credit policies Finding alternative suppliers (Cheaper stock) Accounting finance interrelated with Marketing because if marketing is good then Optimize gym will have more members which means more return and makes it easier to achieve these objectives. Employment Relations also has some objectives which include: Keeping at least 90% of employees after 3 years Strategies that can be implemented to achieve this objective include Motivating employees to work by offering rewards Increase in payment each year to all employees Offering prizes to employee of the month Job Description Qualifications include: Completion of personal training course At least 2 years experience Staffing requirements Rostering is the process of allocating particular staff to complete particular duties. Employees: Jessica Personal trainer (Completed personal fitness course Worked as a personal trainer for 3 years Sert 3, Sert 4 Diploma fitness) Therese (Bachelor of exercise science) John (Level 1, Level 2 strength and conditioning) Bob (Level 1, Level 2 personal trainer) Anthony Ishac (Boss) (Physio therapist) Day Shift (9am-4pm) Area Shift (4pm-10pm) Area Monday Therese Bob Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Jessica John Anthony Ishac Circuit Room Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Tuesday John Jessica Anthony Ishac Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Massage Room Bob Therese Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Wednesday Therese Jessica Main Gym Area Main Gym Area John Bob Anthony Ishac Boxing Class Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Thursday John Bob Anthony Ishac Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Massage Room Therese Jessica Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Friday John Therese Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Jessica Bob Anthony Ishac Circuit Room Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Saturday John Jessica Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Bob (4pm-8pm) Anthony Ishac (4pm-8pm) Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Sunday Bob Therese Main Gym Area Main Gym Area John (4pm-8pm) Jessica(4pm-8pm) Anthony Ishac (4pm-8pm) Boxing Class Main Gym Area Main Gym Area Price / Promotion The prices at Optimize gym is a price in which the gym is willing to make and what the consumers will be willing to pay. Optimize gym will also use competitor prices as a guide to what the prices will be. The gym is going to have promotions that will help attract customers such as free boxing/circuit classes and also free massage sessions with each 3 month membership or longer. Optimize Gym product strategy should be to attract and keep business coming back. The main goal is to try keeping a positive atmosphere and letting members have a great experience that helps them lead a healthy lifestyle. Optimize gym should try to become separate from other gyms and try to become better. Some ways to separate themselves would be by providing exceptional exercise equipment and having professional trainers conducting classes and giving nutrition advice. By having these, Optimize gym will have a high standard compared to other gyms. Some promotions may include: Advertising on billboards Making facebook pages Television Radio Door-to-door visits offering one day free entry Providing 1 month free membership for members who have been with us for 12 months+ 10% discount when you refer 5 friends Membership Fees Casual Visit: $10.00 10 Visit pass: $75.00 1 month membership: $49.95 3 months membership: $119.95 6 months membership: $199.95 12 months membership: $350.00 1 month membership + Boxing/Circuit class (Any time): $70 (Must choose ONE class) 3 month membership + Boxing/Circuit class (Any time): $170 (Must choose ONE class)* 6 month membership + Boxing/Circuit class (Any time): $300 (Must choose ONE class)* 12 month membership + Boxing/Circuit class (Any time): $400 (Must choose ONE class)* *These memberships will include one free massage session. Class Fees (Boxing / Circuit) 1 Class: $10 1 Month: $40 Monthly Recurring: $35 Massage sessions: 1 hour = $40 (includes any part of the body) Product Prices Optimize Shirts: $25 Optimize Singlets: $20 Weight lifting gloves: $30 Weight lifting belt: $40 Supplement Prices (Approximate prices) Protein Jar: $70 Creatine Jar 200g: $30 Weight loss supplement: $40 Weight gaining supplements: $40 Muscle bulk supplements: $60 Product The products that Optimize gym offers are in great condition. The equipment in the gym are all brand new and are from big trademark brands. The gym area is very big so the equipment are all spaced out. The products that will be sold include gym shirts and singlets, weight lifting gloves, weight lifting belt, proteins, weight loss/weight gain supplements and creatine. The gym shirts will have various sizes with Optimize written on the front with a slogan on the back. They will be black in colour with lime green writing. Place Place refers to how a product is distributed. With Optimize gym, the only products that are sold are the Optimize T- shirts and singlets. They are made by the manufacturer then sent a retailer (Optimize gym) then sold to the consumer. The degree of distribution will be exclusive distribution, which means that only one retailer (Optimize gym) will be able to sell them. Description of the product/service The services Optimise gym offer include: In the main gym area, Optimize gym has trained staff members who have completed various courses in training and fitness and also nutrition and are able to provide excellent information and motivation for members. Optimize gym provides exceptional service inside the gym with the state of the art equipment that the gym owns. It also has trained staff to conduct circuit classes and also boxing which help members increase fitness levels and also learn some self defence along the way. Equipment inside the gym Fitness step x 2 $200 Barbell set (10kg 70kg) $2500 Bodyworx Deluxe Mid-width Weight Bench Press x 2 $1000 Seated preacher curl bench x 2 $500 Smith Machine x 2 $10000 Cable equipment (Shoulder press, lat pulldown, chest) 45 degree leg press $1000 Multi station x 2 $10000 45 degree back extension $500 Dip / pull up assist machine $1000 Wall Balls (Medicine balls) x 4 $200 Dumbbells Rowing machines x 3 $2000 Treadmills x 3 $5000 Exercise bikes x 12 $3000 Power racks Weight plates (1.25kg, 2.5kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg) x 2 $1000 Rubber floors Boxing bags x 4 $400 Boxing ring $1000 Protective gear Wraps Boxing gloves Focus Pads Personal Trainers Jessica Personal trainer (Completed personal fitness course Worked as a personal trainer for 3 years Sert 3, Sert 4 Diploma fitness) Therese (Bachelor of exercise science) John (Level 1, Level 2 strength and conditioning) Bob (Level 1, Level 2 personal trainer) Classes Boxing Wednesday 7pm-8pm Sunday 7pm-8pm Circuit Monday 5pm-6.30pm Friday 6pm-7.30pm Boxing Class Includes self defence training and sparring Circuit Class Includes pushups, Situps, knee lifts, squats, fitness stepping, skipping, tuck jumps and treadmills. Massage Session Must book with Anthony Ishac on the available days (Tuesday and Thursday) Trading Hours Monday Friday: 9am 10pm Saturday Sunday: 9am 8pm *CLOSED ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS* Equipment sold on front counter Beverages Optimize t-shirts Optimize singlets Supplements Weight lifting gloves Weight lifting belt (back support) Power bars Protein shakers Boxing gloves/pads Optimize gym is a great choice compared to its competitors because it provides excellent equipment at a low price also combined with the quality of the service. Offers and Discounts Group discounts Discounts on referring friends Free trials of boxing/circuit classes/Gym membership Discounts on members who have been part of the gym for a long period. Financial Forecasts Optimize Gym Pty Ltd 30 June 2011 Current Assets Cash $6000 Accounts Receivable $50,000 Inventory $50,000 Current Liabilities Overdraft $150,000 Accounts Payable $60,000 Total $106,000 Total Current Liabilities $210,000 Non Current Assets Equipment $1,000,000 Land $500,000 Building/Property $300,000 Non Current Liabilities Mortgage $1,600,000 Total $1,800,000 Total Non Current Liabilities $1,600,000 Other Current Assets Good Will $200,000 Owners Equity Shareholders funds $296,000 Capital $100,000 Retained Profits $100,000 Total Assets $2,106,000 Total Liabilities + Equity $2,306,000 Liquidity = Current Assets . Current Liabilities =$106,000 = 0.5 $210,000 Executive Summary I will be opening a gym called Optimize. Optimize gym is a private business and i will be a sole trader due to various reasons. The major goal of the gym is to create a profit and make members dream bodies reality. Optimize gym offers many services such as nutritional assistance, assistance in exercise, state of the art equipment which are brand new, and will sell various products such as supplements, T-shirts, singlets, training equipment, boxing gloves/pads. Optimize gym conducts boxing and circuit classes to any member, each twice a week and also physical therapy and massage sessions. Optimize gym is located in Greenacre because in that area there is only one other gym which is just for women and all major competitors are located away from this area. The trading days are Monday Sunday. The trading hours are 9am-10pm (Monday Friday) and 9am-8pm (Saturday Sunday). Optimize gym offers a lot of discounts such as group discounts, Referrer discounts and loyalty discounts. The set out of Optimize gym and the services / offers that are available are good for the business at the growth stage because it is able to make enough revenue to pay off debts and have a profit. Critically review the plan and process Over all this assignment was very long. Luckily it asked me to write a plan of approach otherwise i would not have completed all aspects of the report. Overall i worked well in completing each part of the assignment to the date in which it was due, everything was completed as planned. In class i listened to all the tips Mr Fares gave me and also Miss Jones in the past term. I asked the teacher many questions before i went home and completed each part of the plan. I had some strengths and weaknesses. Some strengths were that i knew the content previously which made it easier for me to know what to talk about in the plan, and also had the help of the teacher in areas which i didnt know much in. Some weaknesses were that i was distracted very easily because of the environment i was in (The room i worked in had my Tv, Xbox and stereo) and was also distracted from friends and was thrown off task easily. Overall i met all my deadlines and was happy with the way i completed the plan but the assignment was very long! I think that we needed more lessons in class to learn the content a bit more before starting. Revenue statement for Optimize Gym Pty Ltd for the period ending 30 June 2010 $ Total $ Sales Revenue 200,000 Less Cost of goods sold Opening stock Purchases Closing Stock 40,000 20,000 60,000 50,000 10,000 Gross Profit 190,000 Less Expenses Advertising Bank charges Insurance Interest paid to bank Rent Salaries and wages Superannuation Telephone Accountancy fees 6000 300 6000 5500 10000 80000 10,000 3000 2000 Net Profit (Before Tax) 67,200 Financial Requirements $500,000 To buy equipment, re-stock and pay for damages.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Characterization In The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers fc

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. After his graduation from Bowdoin College in Maine, he quickly became a well-known author of literary tales concerning early American life. Between 1825 and 1850, he developed his talent by writing short fiction, and he gained international fame for his fictional novel The Scarlet Letter in 1850 (Clendenning 118). Rufus Wilmot Griswold stated,The frivolous costume and brisk action of the story of fashionable life are easily depicted by the practised sketcher, but a work like "The Scarlet Letter" comes slowly upon the canvas, where passions are commingled and overlaid with the masterly elaboration with which the grandest effects are produced in pictural composition and coloring. (Griswold 352)Throughout the novel, Hawthorne reveals character through the use of imagery and metaphor.In the first Chapter of The Scarlet Letter, "The Prison-Door", the reader is immediately introduced to the people of Puritan Boston. Hawthorne begins to develop the character of the common people in order to build the mood of the story. The first sentence begins, "A throng of bearded men, in sad-colored garments and gray, steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes" (Hawthorne 45). Hawthorne's use of vivid visual images and his Aaccumulation of emotionally weighted details" (Baym xii) creates sympathy for the not yet introduced character, Hester Prynne, and creates an immediate understanding of the harshness of the Puritanic code in the people. The images created give the freedom to imagine whatever entails sadness and morbidity of character for the reader; Hawthorne does not, however, allow the reader to imagine lenient or cheerful people.Nathaniel Hawthorne's eloquent contrast of the jail and its captive, Hester Prynne, also creates a sympathy for the emerging prisoner. The "ugly edifice...was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browned and gloomy front" (Hawthorne 45). The depiction of the jail emphasizes its ugliness, and the mental pictures formed in the mind of the reader suggest an aspect of gloom and suffering. However, Hester Prynne's initial description brightly contrasts the jail's. Hester "was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance...she had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off sunshine with a gleam" (50). Her face was "beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion" (50).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Multinational Enterprises (MNE)

This paper takes the position that Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) do improve rather than exploit foreign labor’s working conditions on the ground that globalization has been adopted by more countries, and that this must be deemed to have s resulted to more benefits for the workers of these countries who wanted these MNEs to come in to their countries. The increasing number of countries who want to join the WTO further proves that MNE could thrive to help the economies and working conditions of many. This paper will support with evidence the above thesis by leaning on the positive view of the coin that it is more plausible for multinationals in particular to do good rather than exploit the working condition of foreign countries. When more countries adopt globalization (Editorial, 2000) as economic strategy by joining the WTO, MNEs are in effect encouraged to do more of their business across countries. To argue otherwise that globalization will discourage MNE is simply against theory and human experience. If WTO has the objective of less restricted economic ties among members, more trade investment liberalization is also expected. This would be consistent with what   BIAC (2003) claimed that trade and investment liberalization foster economic growth, creates wealth and improves labor conditions, and will also end up in a better division of labor between countries based on comparative advantage.   Liberalization will in turn promote a focus on productivity improvement, management skills and facilitates integrated links to markets (BIAC, 2003) since globalization encourages the growth of foreign direct investment (Kumar N. and Pradhan J.P., 2002). Countries that have more MNEs have resulted to more benefits for the workers of said countries.   The existence of MNE in different countries as evidenced by more foreign direct investments (Hansen H. and Rand J. ,2004) are also proofs of continuing trust of host governments for the   beneficial effects of MNEs in terms of more employment opportunities and better lifestyle of those working in MNEs than their local counterparts. Given these two arguments and their corresponding proofs opposing persons of globalization have their criticism as discussed below. It is being claimed by people who oppose globalization that multinational national enterprises exploit labor in poor countries.   Bhagwati (2005) mentioned the fact that anger has been aroused by the supposition that rich, deep-pocketed corporations pay   unjust or inadequate wages to their workers outside their home country and that these MNE are even branded as labor rights violators (Bhagwati, 2005).   The line argument of the critics is centered on the assertion that that if a certain branded product   sells for $200 in New York, the female worker or laborer abroad who sews it and for which the MNE paid   only 60 cents an hour, exploitation was already believed to be found. A reasonable mind would readily see the flaw in the argument as there was no forcing on the part of the MNE to have the female laborer to do the work at 60 cents per hour.   It was a free market where a typical entrepreneur would like to produce a product at a lower cost.   If the business entity is not an MNE, would there be no exploitation also?   The critic’s argument simply appears faulty in the crucible of common sense.   Could it be that MNE which can move its goods across countries that solidifies the exploitation?   Said argument would be faulty as well since it must be made clear that the MNE still has to spend transportation cost, distribution cost and even tariff duties in bringing the goods from third world country to the United States. To further prove the lack of merit of the claim that MNEs pay their workers only minimal   wages,   Bhagwati (2005) cited a recent study of the profits performance of more than two hundred   companies in the 1999 Fortune Global 500 list which a very minimal profit on foreign assets of only 8.3.   This means that the foreign companies may just be earning just same or a little above their cost of capital. In countries where there are strong political and economic risks, the 8.3 % could should still be reduced by inflation factor and this could make it lower than the price of just simply making investment in the US treasury bills which ranges about 4 to 5%.   It is therefore very hard to see the evidence of exploitation if the it meant the huge profit despite against low labor costs in poor countries. Another evidence cited on wage payments were on good empirical studies that have been conducted in Bangladesh, Mexico, Shanghai, Indonesia, Vietnam, and else where these studies revealed that that multinationals actually pay an average wage that is above the going rate in the area where these MNE are located.   It was also found that affiliates of some U.S. multinationals pay a higher rate over local wages that ranges from about forty to a hundred (Bhagwati ,2005). In another cited Bhagwati, (2005) cited confirmatory result from that of the economist Paul Glewwe, using Vietnamese household data for 1997-98, Glewwe found that workers in foreign-owned enterprises generally make almost twice the salary of the average worker employed by a local Vietnamese company. What comes out of the comparison made by critics on wages simply misread that needed to be compared.   Comparing the salary of a worker in the US with the counterpart worker in another of less economic status is simply faulty.   A better comparison is to be made by comparing the life style of an MNE worker than its counter part local worker since the advantage or disadvantage could only be felt in said place.   This was seems to be framework of Glewwe’ finding when the economist   pointed out that 1990s increases in Vietnam’s household income using per capita consumption expenditures as basis of measurement were above the   average increases for all Vietnamese households. (Bhagwati,2005) There are also accusations that global corporations violate labor rights.   Bhagwati(2005) reported that case of where anti-globalization activists having sometimes made and announced lie as in the case of IKEA which was accused of exploitative child labor by its suppliers but was latter found by a German film which has documented that the abuse was simply create by activists.   (Bhagwati ,2005).   Added to the example of faking by activist was the claim â€Å"that the chocolate sold in rich countries relies on slave labor by children in the cocoa plantations of the Ivory Coast† where is found that the stories and charges   were false. A more objective analysis of the claims and their arguments would reveal the weakness of these claims against MNE.   The lack of employment opportunities for poor countries has actually the government of these poor countries to open up their economies.   Opening up their economies allow their labor laws to be flexible enough to allow Men’s to complete in the global market (Samuelson and Nordhaus, 1992). To conclude, there is basis to uphold the thesis of this paper as we have proven that the arguments claimed by those who oppose globalization are bereft of evidence or some of these evidences may have been manufactured to their own arguments.   Multinational enterprises do not impose their entry upon other poor countries as they are being invited to come into by the other countries act joining the WTO.   Such voluntary joining will carry the presumption that these MNE promotes employment generation and help in the economic growth of the countries opening up their economies rather exploit the working conditions of said countries. References: Adewumi (2006) The Impact of FDI on Growth in Developing Countries an African Experience, {www document} URL, Accessed June 6, 2007 Bhagwati, J. (2005) Do Multinational Corporations Hurt Poor Countries?   {Www document}   URL,, Accessed June 6, 2007 Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), (2003) G8 Labor and Employment Ministers Conference â€Å"Growth and Employment: The Future of an Active Society in a Changing World† Statement of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), Stuttgart, Germany, December 14-16, 2003, {www document} URL, Accessed June 6, 2007 Editorial (2000) Merged with Tide of Economic Globalization, People’s Daily Online, {www document} URL, Accessed June 6, 2007 Hansen H. and Rand J. (2004) ‘‘on the casual link between FDI and growth in developing countries’’.   Discussion papers, Institute of Economics, University of Copehagen.   Denmark Kumar N. and Pradhan J.P. (2002) ‘‘Foreign direct investment, externality and economic growth in developing countries: Some empirical explorations and implications for WTO negotiations on investment’’ Research and information system, New Delhi India. Samuelson and Nordhaus (1992), Economics, McGraw-Hill, Inc, London, UK   

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Home Town

Hometown In Hiller Pennsylvania one’s emotional and physical state will always be in good hands. Hiller is not a local breeding ground for underachievers but to only those who demand excellence and surely the best. As a small tight nit community Hiller resides as one of the friendliest towns in America. As a young child, my existence in Hiller has brought great joy and excitement. Knowing that every morning when I wake up a new fun filled day was to begin again. Every child from each block in the neighborhood would gather in the local Luzerne Park field ready and willing to play a few rounds of outrageous back yard football. Battered and bruised each one of us would then hobble home only to be nourished and fed while waiting to get ready and go ruff it again in some other type of sport. Throughout my eighteen years of living there many memories and the friendly locals in general have placed themselves above the rest for their uniqueness and special qualities that are not found no where else. Since Hiller has been put onto the map many have flocked to live in its lively atmosphere. Houses in my town are very close together just like the relationships the neighbors have bonded in their years of residence. In Hiller when a hand is needed it will be given and when a friend is wanted a person will surely have no problem finding one. Hiller embraces any new comer as if they have been living there forever. Its existence and purpose is not complicated, if you treat it with respect, respect to the fullest will be received back. As an individual, my hometown has supported me both physically and mentally. Without the experience of growing up there I would not know what kind of person I would be as of today.... Free Essays on Home Town Free Essays on Home Town Hometown In Hiller Pennsylvania one’s emotional and physical state will always be in good hands. Hiller is not a local breeding ground for underachievers but to only those who demand excellence and surely the best. As a small tight nit community Hiller resides as one of the friendliest towns in America. As a young child, my existence in Hiller has brought great joy and excitement. Knowing that every morning when I wake up a new fun filled day was to begin again. Every child from each block in the neighborhood would gather in the local Luzerne Park field ready and willing to play a few rounds of outrageous back yard football. Battered and bruised each one of us would then hobble home only to be nourished and fed while waiting to get ready and go ruff it again in some other type of sport. Throughout my eighteen years of living there many memories and the friendly locals in general have placed themselves above the rest for their uniqueness and special qualities that are not found no where else. Since Hiller has been put onto the map many have flocked to live in its lively atmosphere. Houses in my town are very close together just like the relationships the neighbors have bonded in their years of residence. In Hiller when a hand is needed it will be given and when a friend is wanted a person will surely have no problem finding one. Hiller embraces any new comer as if they have been living there forever. Its existence and purpose is not complicated, if you treat it with respect, respect to the fullest will be received back. As an individual, my hometown has supported me both physically and mentally. Without the experience of growing up there I would not know what kind of person I would be as of today....

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on Tess of the D#8217;Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Analytical Essay Sample on Tess of the D#8217;Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy Wessex The fictionalized region of southwest England in which Hardy set all of his fiction. This region was somewhat backward in the late nineteenth century. Although industrialization had made the north of England and the region around London prosperous and modernized, southwest England was still rural, agricultural, and quite poor. Modern advancements in farming techniques were slow in coming to this region, and the transition to modernity was not easy. Hardy, who grew up and lived in the region, is particularly interested in showing the ways in which Wessex is caught between its old, traditional culture and modernization; little details showing this dilemma appear throughout Tess of the dUrbervilles and his other works. In some ways Wessex is as much a character in Hardys work as any of the people he depicts-and indeed, Tess is very much identified, physically and emotionally, with her surroundings in Wessex. Pure, purity Purity, both sexual and moral, is an important concept in Tess of the dUrbervilles. The word is used throughout the narrative with reference to Tess, and the subtitle of the book deems her A Pure Woman. (Even one of the inns where her father drinks is called The Pure Drop.) When applied to women in Victorian England, the concept of purity had specific reference to sexual chastity. By this definition, Tess very early on loses the right to be called pure. The word is nevertheless still applied to her. In this application, there is some degree of Hardys characteristic irony. But it also means something more. Hardy considers Tess pure because, despite her bodily state-that is, her loss of virginity-she is morally pure and innocent, uncorrupted by her hard life. When Hardy wrote this book, he knew that the characterization of a sexually fallen woman as pure would shock some readers, and indeed it did, but he thought it was important to show that the loss of virginity did not necessarily t horoughly corrupt a womans heart and mind. Dialect A localized way of speaking a language, distinct from standard usage. The local Wessex dialect is spoken by Tesss family and by the agricultural workers she knows, but Tess uses language closer to standard English. This is because she has been to school, where she has been taught a national standard version of the language. The change in speaking habits of people in Wessex and other areas of Britain was very much a hallmark of increasing modernization. As national schools and standards spread across the country, regional variations began to disappear. (This process is still ongoing, though it has been accelerated by radio and television.) Therefore, Tesss speech patterns are one more indicator of the way in which she is caught between the traditional world in which she was raised and the modern culture she confronts outside her village and home. Droit de seigneur An old custom of feudal days, in which lords had the right to demand sexual favors from peasant women bound to their estates. Although Hardy does not discuss the concept directly, this ancient custom has obvious relevance to Tesss plight with Alec dUrberville, who is a false lord but claims Tesss virginity nevertheless. Fallen, fallenness Middle-class Victorian ideas about womens sexuality were quite rigid and condemned women who engaged in any sort of sexual activity outside of marriage. It was thought that women who lost their virginity before marriage fell from their exalted position of chastity. This is one manifestation of the dichotomous view of women as either virgins or whores that has characterized much Western thought about the nature of women. In Victorian times the specific concept of fallenness took on a great deal of significance. It was thought that a woman who was fallen changed in her very nature-she might become not only more sinful, but more vain, unwilling to work, greedy, or otherwise immoral. This idea that fallen women were intrinsically different from and in all ways morally inferior to their pure or chaste counterparts is demonstrated in Tess of the dUrbervilles when Angel says to Tess that she is an entirely different person to him once he knows of her sexual past. Religious doubt The Victorian era was a deeply religious age, and faith was very important to many people in the era. Because of the great cultural significance of religion, the idea of religious doubt became controversial and much-publicized. In the later portion of the century, there were a large number of people who began to doubt the faith they had been taught. To some degree, this widespread doubt-which was particularly common among educated young men-can be attributed to scientific advances, particularly to the publication and general acceptance of Darwins evolutionary theories. When Angel Clare decides that he cannot believe literally in the principles of Christianity and decides not to become a clergyman, then, the event is not merely a personal decision. For readers, this would symbolize that he is a modern young man, participating in the intellectual and cultural movements of the day, however troubling this participation might have been to older people, for whom faith was still an importan t part of their culture. Fate, fatalism Hardy had a particular view of fate that plays itself out in most of his novels, and Tess of the dUrbervilles is no exception. Hardy believed that fate was a force that drove events, but that it was internal as well as external to people. In the case of Tess, her fate is largely driven by the discovery that she is a member of the old family of dUrberville. That fact of her existence is intrinsic to her-and, in Hardys view, it gives her certain character traits that condition her life-but it is also discovered through an external force, namely Parson Tringham. Because of this combination of internal and external forces, Hardy presents Tess as doomed almost from the very beginning. The novel concentrates very heavily on the ways in which Tess finds it impossible to escape her ultimate fate, because of the historical and cultural context in which she lives. This attitude that fate is inescapable, which is very characteristic of Hardy, particularly in his tragic later novels, is called f atalism. Banns Banns were an old-fashioned way of getting legal permission to marry. In this custom, an engaged couple had their names read out at church three Sundays in a row before the wedding could take place. Parishioners were told that they must object if they knew of any obstacle to the marriage. It was free to get married by banns, so they often used by the poor in preference to a license. Obtaining a marriage license from the state was both a more modern way of getting married and slightly more prestigious. Although Tess prefers getting married by license instead of banns because she is afraid that someone will tell Angel about her past, the marriage by license also symbolizes her wish to leave behind her sexual past and her class background as well as old traditions. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on Tess of the dUrbervilles topics at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with custom papers written by highly qualified academic writers. High quality and no plagiarism guarantee! Get professional essay writing help at an affordable cost.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sun to electricity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sun to electricity - Research Paper Example Most of other energies used are usually run by fossil fuels, which are non-renewable, and, therefore, their supply is limited because they cannot be easily replaced. The suns energy is in abundant, and the various technologies can harness its power, which can be stored to be used at other times or immediately. The sun can, therefore, produce more electricity than any other form of energy production and the only equipment needed is that for harnessing and storing electricity. As a result, countries need to come up with efficient methods of harvesting the sun on a larger scale that has been previously. The report is going to focus on the harvesting of the suns energy and the consequent conversion of solar energy into electricity. It uses photovoltaic cells, which are embedded in the solar panel. The solar panel is made of silicon, which has various impurities added to it. Panels are either monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The resultant mixture of silicon with impurities creates a medium that converts the sun’s energy into electricity. The suns energy as compared to other reforms of energy like geothermal and nuclear energy stands out as one of the cleanest forms of energy. As a result, it does not have adverse effects on the environment. The equipment used in generating the power is not complicated, and any person can use them quite easily. Converting the sun’s energy (solar energy) into electricity follows various processes. Different photovoltaic cells are used in panels to receive the sun’s rays and convert the harvested solar energy into electricity with photovoltaic cells (Oxlade, 2008). The collected electrical energy is stored in batteries, which are later used either during the day or at night. Other technologies like collecting the suns energy using thermos electric effect have come into play where they use parabolic discs. Thermal electric devices use heat from the sun. The suns energy

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Liberal Arts Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Liberal Arts Studies - Essay Example His views have more to do with how one is perceived as opposed to how thing really are. As a result, morality and immorality is not as black and white as Cicero sees it. In a society where there is a lot of crime and strife, Machiavelli’s views could be seen as both ethical and practical. If a large majority of the people are immoral, it would seem that the moral minority would be constantly taken advantage of. Therefore, people may justify that in order to merely survive; a person must be willing to take advantage of those that would constantly take advantage of them. Morality is bended all the time in real life. Much of this bending is a result of a desire for money, influence, power, and fame. A professional usually won’t tell a big lie but will often tell what are known as little â€Å"white lies.† These lies are prevalent in business and society in general. Cicero would argue that a true professional would never bend their personal morality for gain, althoug h he does argue for the importance of self-interest as long as it doesn’t harm others. In this sense, one could justify telling a â€Å"white lie† as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. Machiavelli would view this behavior as ethical because he feels it is more realistic. Unlike Cicero, Machiavelli would say that the ends do indeed justify the means and that if someone is able to gain and maintain power the means they used to do it are justified.